team /
Philippe Hameau / anthropology
Lecturer at LAPCOS
(Laboratory of Anthropology and Cognitive and Social Psychology) Université Côte d'Azur

Doctorate of III ème cycle : European Protohistory and National Antiquities Institute of Art and Archaeology, Université de Paris I -Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1984
subject : "Postglacial Paintings in Provence".

Departmental archaeologist at the Centre Archéologique du Var from 1992 to 2003, in charge of archaeology at the Agence Dép. d'Action Culturelle 1990, 1991
Departmental Curator of the Museums of the Lot [ museum of Pech Merle (Cabrerets), museum Champollion (Figeac), Hôtel de la Monnaie (Figeac), museum of Fieux (Miers)] 1989
Lecturer at the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis from 1989 to 2003

Foundation and direction of the Association A.S.E.R. in Centre-Var (Association de Sauvegarde, d'Etude et de Recherche pour le patrimoine naturel et culturel du Centre-Var) since 1977. The Association ASER is member of IFRAO since October 2009
Direction of the magazine "Cahier de l'ASER Patrimoine du Centre-Var", scientific organ of ASER. in Centre-Var : bi-annual, 22 issues, 15 supplements
In charge of the Maison de l'Archéologie (Le Val, Var) - excavation depot of the Ministry of Culture - since 1995
Consultant for prehistoric art at the Museum of Huesca (Aragon) -2001-2013
Member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine Le Monde Alpinet Rhodanien-2005-2016
Member of the Académie du Var - associate 2009-2019 - full member since 2020
Member of IFRAO -since 2009
Director of the Department of Sociology-Ethnology -2009-2011
Head of the "Initiatiques" section of the journal Cultures & Sociétés-2010-2016
Elected member of the section 20 of the CNU (Ethnology-Biological Anthropology-Prehistory) -2011-2015
Head of the Master of Anthropology at the Université de Nice-2014-2019
Director of the collection "Actes Graphiques" at Connaissances & Savoirs -2016-2019
Creator and Director of the journal "Polygraphe(s)", mixed approaches to graphic acts-since 2016-publication of the FMSH): 3 issues
Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology-since 2018
Co-responsible for the LAPCOS axis 1: territories and environment: plurivocal approaches to living-since 2020

Ph.Hameau 2010,Peintures et gravures schématiques à la Bergerie des MaigresLa longue tradition graphique, ERAUL, n°122,Université de Liège,106p.
Ph.Hameau, M.Morel et S.Truchi, 2006, Les graffiti de l’ombre, Hyères, Ed. du Lau, 252p.Ph.Hameau, 2002, Passage, transformation et art schématique : l'exemple des peintures néolithiques du sud de la France, British Archaeological Reports, vol. 1044 , 280p. 204 fig.
Ph.Hameau, 2000, Implantation, organisation et évolution d'un sanctuaire préhistorique : la haute vallée du Carami (Mazaugues et Tourves, Var), 7èmeSupplément au Cahier de l'ASER, 227p. 201 fig.
Ph.Hameau, 1989, Les Peintures Postglaciaires en Provence, inventaire, étude chronologique, stylistique et iconographique-Documents d'Archéologie Française n°22, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 124p.